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Форум «Биржа труда»
Treasure Assistant vacancy /350-450 USD (net salary) /half working day
Модераторы: ara
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Стаж: 9 лет 7 месяцев
Сообщений: 2020
Чт Сен 06, 2018 21:48 Ответить с цитатой Получить постоянный адрес сообщения
Religious organization “The National Assembly of the Bahais in Ukraine” is looking for Treasure Assistant.

We need a person who can be the Cashier, the Assistant and Bookkeeper of the Treasurer Department of the National Assembly of the Bahais in Ukraine.
The ideal candidate is an educated bookkeeper/accountant, whom we can ask about Ukrainian law requirements for invoices, etc., who has a learning attitude, is very open and who has very good English communicational skills.

Main responsibilities are as follows:
- Financial bookkeeping of National Assembly’s transactions
- Budgeting
- Preparation of reports to Tax authorities
- Cash flow reports preparation
- Bank accounts maintenance and payments fulfilment
- Complies with state legal requirements by studying requirements; enforcing adherence to requirements; filing reports; advising management on needed actions.
- Emails translation

- the bookkeeper education and/or experience is required
- good English communicational skills.

The working place would be at the National Bahai Center, which is in Nivky at the moment, but we plan to move to another place by end of this year.
The working hours will be for now 4-5 hours a day for 5 days Monday to Friday.

The jobs is placed for at least 3-5 years with raising salary each year. It is estimated that the working hours will raise to 8 hours a day within the years.

The person would be supervised mainly by Treasurer and other members of the National assembly when Treasurer is on vacation. It's a very interesting job and has a lot to do with communication with people and creativity.

contact number 095 42 95 796
Последний раз редактировалось автором 06.09.2018 21:49, всего редактировалось 1 раз
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